
Sell or Die with Jeffrey Gitomer

Best-selling author Jeffrey Gitomer discusses the art and science of selling with the top leaders in sales, business, marketing and personal development.
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Sell or Die with Jeffrey Gitomer











All Episodes
Now displaying: January, 2019
Jan 31, 2019

Have you ever had a killer concept for a sales pitch or for your business but can't seem to extract it from the back of your mind?

Pete Mockaitis, host of the How To Be Awesome At Your Job Podcast, has a really innovative way to get that idea out so you can make some money.

Pete speaks to leaders in Fortune 500 companies to bring out those moneymaking concepts laying deep in the cranium with strategic thinking sessions. What are strategic thinking sessions? Click play and find out how you can take more of your brain function and turn it into income.   

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

05:00 - Your money mindset can limit your finances.  

10:25 - What exactly is a thinking strategy session?

17:22 - Pete takes Jeffrey and Jen down a diehard-friendly strategy session 

23:01 - What these strategy sessions reveal

33:01 -How much time Pete believes you should spend thinking critically alone

43:50 - What are common habits of successful Fortune 500 executives

55:00 - The impact of decluttering your brain


More on today’s guest

Pete Mockaitis is an award-winning speaker and coach who helps professionals perform optimally at work. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, and Inc. Pete has delivered 1-on-1 coaching to over 700 leaders hailing from world-class organizations (such as Google, FedEx, Amazon, Apple, Anheuser-Busch, and the United Nations), 50 countries, and every Ivy League university.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 30, 2019

When was the last time you searched through your customer's why? Do you consistently evaluate it? If not, this Sell Or Die Extra might make you re-evaluate this. Today we revisit a recent appearance by Jeffrey on the Fitness Business Podcast in why those is sales should always re-evaluate the customer why.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 29, 2019

#MeToo. #TimesUp. Whatever you think about the hashtags, the world (and the way it does business) is having a moment on diversity. Everyone is asking tough questions about how we interact and hire in the workplace and the answers are often complex. 

Our guest expert this week is Jessica Pettitt, author of Good Enough Now and diversity speaker for over a decade is here to open our minds, challenge our expectations and even debate a little. 

Diversity is one of those words that is said often but never really put properly into context. Jessica helps color in the font and fill in the gaps in one of the most enlightening conversations we've had on Sell Or Die. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. 

On today's show...

4:09 - From stand up comedian to diversity expert

8:44- The "trick question" of diversity

12:30 - Four basic criteria for hiring anyone

17:44 - What perception biases hide in the hiring process?

20:10 - The childhood experience that shaped Jessica's view on diversity

28:04 - The link between diversity and communication

34:02 - Why the intent of a message and the impact of a message are radically different

40:15 - Think of the question with the response in mind

45:10 - Individual work vs. systemic work

More on today’s guest

Jessica Pettitt, M.Ed., CSP, pulls together her stand up comedy years with 15+ years of diversity trainings in a wide range of organizations to serve groups to move from abstract fears to actionable habits that lead teams to want to work together. With a sense of belonging and understanding, colleagues take more risks with their ideation, converse precious resources through collaboration, and maintain real connections with clients over time.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!



For a limited time, get Jennifer Gluckow’s FREE EBOOK: 27 Winning Strategies That Will Take You From Sales Slump to Sales Streak


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 28, 2019

How's your momentum going into February? Has it stalled or is it steadily building? If it's stalled, let Jeffrey and Jennifer get you out of your sales slump and into prosperity quicker than a Super Bowl commericial. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 25, 2019

Every Friday we present a supercut of the most insightful, most inspiring, most useful pieces of sales wisdom from the week that was. And in case you missed it, click the links below to listen to the full episodes.


This episode is brought to you by the Selling with Soul podcast, hosted by Meredith Messenger and produced by the Sell or Die Podcast Network. Selling with Soul discussed new sales and revenue growth strategies, demystifies sales concepts and develops sales skills through master classes and expert interviews. Listen today on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

02:23 -  Jason Hartman reveals how to navigate the choppy waters of real estate.

08:19 - Arden McLaughlin advises which PR mistakes to avoid

13:17 - On Motivation Monday, Jeffrey and Jen teach diehards the art of thoughtful gift giving. 



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jen’s new book Sales in A New York Minute today! 212 pages of real world and easy to implement strategies to make more sales build loyal relationships and make more money.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 24, 2019

Ever think about getting into real estate investing but decided it was too intimidating?

Our guest expert this week is Jason HartmanFounder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network, can alleviate a few of those fears.  

Investing in real estate is part of the American dream and Jason is gonna dole out a few nuggets on how to successfully ply your trade in it. Plus, Jason reveals what he'd do if he were starting out in real estate today.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

1:58 - A Robert Allen was all it took to get Jason into real estate investment

5:11 - "The first rule of successful sales is working" - Jason Hartman

8:35 - The best affirmation in sales comes from your prospects.

17:05 - What's the typical amount of money a diehard should set aside for real estate investment?

20:29 - What you do in the economy will be the great equalizer

26:37 - What Jason would recommend to anyone starting out in real estate

30:07 - What Jason would do differently if he were starting out today


More on today’s guest

Jason Hartman is the Founder and CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network, The Hartman Media Company and The Jason Hartman Foundation.  Starting with very little, Jason, while still in college at the age of 19, embarked on a career in real  estate while brokering properties for clients, he was investing in his own portfolio along the way. Through creativity, persistence and hard work, he soon joined the ranks of the top one-percent of Realtors in the U.S. and in quick succession; earned a number of prestigious industry awards and became a young multi-millionaire.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 23, 2019

Your mindset can change whether or not you make a sale before you enter the meeting. It's one of Jeffrey Gitomer's fundamental tenets regarding sales. Recently, he appeared on the Cut The Crap podcast and delved into why. We chose took a snippet of this conversation and shared it with the diehard community.

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 22, 2019

When is the best time to take your business concept to the next stage of attention?

 Our guest expert this week is Arden McLaughlin, CEO and Founder of Definita Marketing can help you figure that next step out   

Arden works with different types of businesses helping to make sure they're always in the best light. Find out Arden's secrets to making sure that the only news your company puts out is good news.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

04:19 - Arden's love of creative writing took her down a different path

10:22- Defining yourself in a cluttered market

14:53 - When is your business ready for a publicist?

19:15 - Mistakes you should avoid when branding yourself

23:42 - Other ways businesses can prepare themselves for prime time

28:26 - Pitching your story to the right medium will make all the difference

33:47 - "I'm of the opinion that I live in abundance. I don't live in scarcity. So when I live in abundance, there's plenty for everybody and it's all gonna work out." -Arden McLaughlin


More on today’s guest

Definita offers a multi-tiered approach to publicizing you and your brand. From traditional media placement to the intricate workings of social media to strategic event execution our services will ensure your voice is heard and your brand defined.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 21, 2019

On Today's Motivation Monday, Jeffrey and Jennifer delve deeper into gift giving. Mainly, how to be a creative gift giver and at the same time not blow your budget. It takes active listening and deep thought to be a gift giver, sit back and absorb some of the lessons giving and it could unlock new sales.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 18, 2019

Every Friday we present a supercut of the most insightful, most inspiring, most useful pieces of sales wisdom from the week that was. And in case you missed it, click the links below to listen to the full episodes.


This episode is brought to you by the Selling with Soul podcast, hosted by Meredith Messenger and produced by the Sell or Die Podcast Network. Selling with Soul discussed new sales and revenue growth strategies, demystifies sales concepts and develops sales skills through master classes and expert interviews. Listen today on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

02:15 - A Bonus Clip from Jeffrey's conversation with Bob Burg on the wrong Sales Mentality to have

06:33 - Myke Metzger spoke to Jeffrey and Jen about making his first $100,000 in sales.

12:00 - Deb Calvert on the steps is takes to get to Sales Management



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jen’s new book Sales in A New York Minute today! 212 pages of real world and easy to implement strategies to make more sales build loyal relationships and make more money.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 17, 2019

How can you take the next step in your sales career? It's a question many in sales ask themselves on yearly, if not daily basis.

Our guest expert this week is Deb Calvert, President of People First Productivity Solutions and world renowned author. 

Starting off the new year with goals of sales management is a great thing to do, having a concrete plan in place to reach those goals is even better. Calvert shares her insights to help fill that concrete plan into a solid foundation. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

03:21 - Deb Calvert recaps her 2018 

09:05 - Deb's tips for gaining confidence in sales. 

11:45 - Leadership isn't something you're born with, but rather a choice of behaviors

19:55 - " I was the worst sales manager of all time at my first job" - Deb Calvert

23:40 - What's next for Deb in 2019?


More on today’s guest

Deb Calvert is the President of People First Productivity Solutions, offering sales training, coaching, and leadership development programs. Deb leads the Stop Selling & Start Leading® movement and founded The Sales Experts Channel. She is certified as an executive and sales coach and is a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®. Her bestseller, DISCOVER Questions® Get You Connected”, has recently been named by HubSpot as one of the “20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time.”

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 16, 2019

Jeffrey Gitomer is the King of Sales, but how did he found his kingdom? Find out on this Sell Or Die Extra as Jeffrey joins Bob Burg on the Go-Giver Podcast. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 15, 2019

Has the sales grind already ground you down?


Our guest expert this week is Myke Metzger, CEO of RVA social and author of the book Credibility Method, might give you the best remedy.

Myke went from bartender to marketing genius in a matter of years and comes to Sell Or Die to share his story about his transition. Allow Myke to give you the keys to take your sales and marketing game to the next level.  


This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

05:13 - "I don't want to say it just happened, because that just makes it sound kind of easy"- Myke on how he got his start

13:20 - Myke's transition from the service industry to sales and marketing

28:32 - Myke talks about the first time he took home a six-figure salary

33:47 - The do's and dont's when it comes to building your brand

44:08 - What is the T.R.E.K method?



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 11, 2019

Every Friday we present a supercut of the most insightful, most inspiring, most useful pieces of sales wisdom from the week that was. And in case you missed it, click the links below to listen to the full episodes.


This episode is brought to you by the Selling with Soul podcast, hosted by Meredith Messenger and produced by the Sell or Die Podcast Network. Selling with Soul discussed new sales and revenue growth strategies, demystifies sales concepts and develops sales skills through master classes and expert interviews. Listen today on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

02:11 - Meredith Messenger on the origins of "Selling With Soul"

05:23 - J. Massey with advice for first-time real estate investors.

09:41 - Jeffrey and Jennifer reveal what the first 90 days should look like for anyone in sales. 



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jen’s new book Sales in A New York Minute today! 212 pages of real world and easy to implement strategies to make more sales build loyal relationships and make more money.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 10, 2019

Are you lagging behind in your sales already? Do you feel hopeless already?

Our guest expert this week is J. Massey, host of the Cash Flow Diary podcast can help you get out of the hole.

Massey, started his real estate success with little more than a few dollars and a 398 credit score. His story of determination and take no prisoners mentality can inspire you to keep going, no matter how dire your situation.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

2:38 - Where J. Massey got his start

5:28 - Starting a real estate empire with no money and no credit

10:56 - " If you're doing traditional real estate, and hear me clearly when I say this, you are in the sales game." - J. Massey

15:12- The quality of relationships are key

20:03 - Getting your first deed with a 398 credit score.

26:46 -" if you were hungry and you needed to go to the grocery store and encountered one red light, would you turn around and go home and say, oh, well I guess I don't get to eat today?"

29:23 - You make your own check

33:43 - Are people actually trained to recognize opportunity? 

More on today’s guest

J. is currently a landlord, lender, consultant, educator and highly sought mentor. He currently owns hundreds of units of properties and has completed hundreds more real estate transactions across several states.

He is a member of the National Sales Network, Renatus and Toastmaster’s International (CC). J. holds more than 12 awards for public speaking including 2nd Place in the 2008 Founders District International Speech Contest, 1st place in the 2009 Founders District Table Topics, and 2nd place in the 2010 Founders District International Speech and Table Topics contests.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 9, 2019

Time for another Sales Manager Spotlight. We're talking to successful sales managers across the country to find out how they lead, what challenges they face and their sales philosophies.

Mike Brooks is a director of sales and marketing for the Audit Sales and Presentation system. Mike reveals the similarities in discipline between sales and martial arts plus give you his secrets on how to successfully network on LinkedIn.

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

03:00 - The similarities between sales and martial arts

08:27 - The benefits of being active on social media

09:20 - Secret strategies from Mike on how to best use LinkedIn

12:54 - Emotional triggers are the keys to sales

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 8, 2019

Have you forgotten why you fell in love with sales recently? Has it become a slog of just getting to the quota and little else.

Meredith Messenger , founder of Selling with Soul and Host of the Selling With Soul Podcast, and listening to her effervescent personality will break you out of the doldrums.

Meredith specializes in sales with small business, absorb her passion for sales as you hear her origins in the healthcare sector. Let the conversation reignite your passion for sales and highlight why you got into sales in the first place.  

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


On today's show...

2:34 - Starting your sales career in healthcare

5:07- What actually defines a "small business"

7:02 - to me technique is only important if you have the right mindset and you're going to do it. Technique doesn't make any sense if you're not going to do it." -Meredith Messenger

11:49 - The joys and challenges of dealing with family businesses

14:33 - Sales is relationship based, not script based

More on today’s guest

Meredith is well versed in the demands of running a small business or one-person shop and the struggles that many startups have with developing predictable revenue. She is the founder of Selling With Soul and the host of the Selling With Soul podcast. She is a Revenue Strategist. Leveraging her strong corporate and startup experience she helps small businesses and individuals make more money by taking a comprehensive look at their business, creating and implementing revenue generation strategies, sales training and sales team building to start-ups, small businesses and individuals.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!

Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 7, 2019

It's the beginning of the new sales year and are you prepared? If not, you will be after listening to today's Motivation Monday. Absorb the principles that Jeffrey and Jen give about properly preparing to take the first steps into making 2019 your best year ever. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!


Order Jennifer Gluckow’s EBOOK 27 Winning Strategies That Will Take You From Sales Slump to Sales Streak


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 3, 2019

How do you chase your passion AND pay your bills at the same time? Our guest expert this week is Alex Beard, artist and owner of the Alex Beard Studio, is living proof that it can be done. 

We all want to pursue things that we're passionate about but the struggle to monetize can often put people back into the daily grind. It takes courage and a powerful drive to turn a "passion project" into a "profit project." Today we're introducing you to someone who has empowered his soul to feed his wallet. 

Alex will share his thoughts on creativity, business and reveal how he has managed to avoid the title of "starving artist". 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

On today's show...

05:58 - What do Jeffrey and Jen have planned for Sell or Die in 2019

11:53- When did Alex realize creativity was at his core?

13:45 - "I was never a prodigy. Wasn't that I was great at it out of the gate. I loved doing it. And as a result, I pursued it." - Alex Beard

15:50 - The combination of factors that equals success for an artist

25:51 - Looking for universality in sales and art

30:04 - What to do if you're an artist and not business inclined?

40:15 - What's your "stepping stone" in sales?

More on today’s guest

American painter and author Alex Beard is best known for his elaborate wildlife compositions created in his signature style of gestural painting, which he has coined “Abstract Naturalism.”

Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!



Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!


Jan 2, 2019

It's the return of Charlie "Rocket" Jabaley on this special edition of Motivation Wednesday. On this episode Charlie goes deeper into his weight loss Journey and his music management origins. This is a lesson for every diehard to apply the wisdom and turn it into money. 

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.



Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!



For a limited time, get Jennifer Gluckow’s FREE EBOOK: 27 Winning Strategies That Will Take You From Sales Slump to Sales Streak


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!

Jan 1, 2019

If you're going to make a New Year's resolution why not listen to this first. 

Martin Rooney returns to Sell Or Die to send a special New Year's Day special message : don't avoid the pain, rather push through it. Find out why Martin believes you should push through the pain and let it make you more money.

This episode is brought to you by, The Why and The Buy, hosted by Jeff Bajorek and Christie Walters. They interview entrepreneurs and sales experts to find out the why behind their success. Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. 


Join our Exclusive Sell or Die Facebook Group, where our members are already discussing the latest episode. Submit your sales question and we will answer it on the show!



For a limited time, get Jennifer Gluckow’s FREE EBOOK: 27 Winning Strategies That Will Take You From Sales Slump to Sales Streak


Need more sales help?

Jeffrey’s website:

Jennifer’s website:

Subscribe to the Gitomer Learning Academy:



Order your copy of Jeffrey’s new book Sales Manifesto TODAY! Imperative actions you need to take and master to dominate your competition and win for yourself...for the next decade.



It's time to skill-up. Learn from Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales. He’ll be giving a seminar in a city near you. Be there!